
Pay What You Want for Oil Rush in the Humble Indie Bundle 8 [2013.06.05]

Oil Rush is unlocked as one of the bonuses if more than the average contribution for a bundle is paid (as of June 5, it was $5.69). Besides Oil Rush, Hotline Miami, Proteus, Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, Intrusion 2 and English Country Tune come as an addition to Humble Indie Bundle 8. Initially the titles of the bundle include Little Inferno, Awesomenauts, Capsizes, Thomas Was Alone, Dear Esther. The games are DRM free and compatible with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Virtually all of them come with high-quality OSTs. Bought separately, all these games together would have cost more than $150.

Hurry up and do not miss your chance to get the bundle of cool indie games by your own price and support their developers and charity!

Read more in the official press-release.

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